
WINKemr: Tips & Tricks to get started

Here are a few tips to help you get started with WINKemr!

Table of contents


Tip #1: Make sure you are logged into the right company and the right store. 

Tip #2: Choose your language and Visual Acuity setting

Tip #3 Always use a DEMO patient to do any testing, never use a real patient file! 

Tip #4 Create shortcuts (Favorites) for charting time efficiency

Tip #5 Press the orange "+" button for additional options

Frequently Asked Questions



Credentials: Your database administrator will provide you with a username and password to log into WINKemr on your iPad. These credentials can also be used to connect to WINKpms from your computer. You can change your password in WINKpms by clicking on "Change Password"






If you get this pop-up while trying to log in: "ALERT: Something went wrong trying to get the accounts from the server. Please try again", it's because your iPad is NOT connected to Internet! Make sure you are connected to your WiFi!



Tip #1: Make sure you are logged into the right company and the right store. 

For data migration purposes, WINK often creates a company called "Test MIgration" to ensure data is accurate and displaying properly before it goes into production (your real database). Make sure you enter your exams in the right place! To see your appointments, log into the store where your appointments are booked. 


NOTE: Other WINKemr users (other doctors, pretest user) will not see your appointments on the iPad. (To see the appointments, you must be logged in as the doctor) 


Tip #2: Choose your language and Visual Acuity setting

At the upper right corner of the login screen, you can change flags to set your language or your preferred visual acuity format.

Flag Language V/A format
US English Dist: 20/20 - Near: 20/20
Canada English Dist: 6/6 - Near: 6/6
UK English Dist: 6/6 - Near: N4.5
France French Dist: 6/6 - Near: 6/6


IMPORTANT: Make sure you choose the right setting before you start creating your shortcuts (Favorites). Favorites created under one flag will not copy over if you switch flags afterwards.



Tip #3 Always use a DEMO patient to do any testing, never use a real patient file! 

After you've sucessfully logged into WINKemr, select "Patient File" and type "demo" or "test" then hit search to display demo or test patients. If there aren't any, create one by selecting "New Patient". Avoid entering test data in real patient files, even if they are employee's, familiy member's or your own file.


Tip #4 Create shortcuts (Favorites) for charting time efficiency

Anywhere you see a "star icon", there's the possibility to create a Favorite combination that you can re-use for any patient going forward. Before your first day working with WINKemr, we recommend you create favorites for the following:

  • Reason for visit
  • Pupils
  • Biomicroscopy
  • Fundus






To enlarge, right-click the image and select "open in new tab"




  1. Favorites are "per user". This means that every doctor can create their own different favorites!
  2. Make sure you choose the right setting before you start creating your shortcuts (Favorites). Favorites created under one flag will not copy over if you switch flags afterwards.




To enlarge, right-click the image and select "open in new tab"




Tip #5 Press the orange "+" button for additional options

Find them in each section: 


Find them inside test tiles:



Frequently Asked Questions


-What if the result I want is NOT in the default list?

No problem! Just type anything you want, close the keyboard and select it:



Can't find any place to type? Look for the keyboard icon. Once you click on it, you will be able to free-type anything you need. 



If you have longer comments you would like to add but the box is too small, you can write them in the "Notes" section, which most tests have. Can't find a note box? Don't forget to click the orange "+", it might be hidden in there!



-Will the data I type save for future use?

NO! This is to avoid duplicates from typos and keeping useless data. 


-How do I print a Medication Rx?

As soon as you enter data in the medication section, "Print Medical Rx" will appear in your final options at the bottom of the patient chart. Medical Rx can ONLY be printed from the iPad, whereas spectacle and contact lens prescriptions can be printed eiter from the iPad or the computer instance of WINK. 


-How do I sign a Medication Rx?

When you hit the "Sign button", you sign your Final Rx, CL Rx and Medication Rx simultaneously.

Don't have your digital signature uploaded yet? Click here to learn how to do that!


-I entered a CL Rx in the CL fitting, but I can't see the "Print CL Rx" button. How do I Print my CL Rx?

To print your CL Rx, you must mark it as FINAL:



-If I don't end the consultation right away, will the dispensary still see the Final Rx in their system?

YES! You don't have to end the consultation right away if you are finished examining your patient, but are not done finalizing their chart. As soon as you enter a Final Rx and Dr. Recommendations in the Final Rx section, they are available for the sales staff in WINKpms. Just don't forget to sign your Rx for the printout!


-How long do I have until the chart locks and I can't modify it anymore?

There is no limit of time. You have to press the "End consultation" button to lock it. 


-Can I "unlock" a visit that was ended and add to that consultation?

Yes you can, although we don't recommend it. Simply hit the lock icon at the top right of your screen to enter new information. WINK keeps track of all changes that you make. You can see them in the Audit Logs in WINKpms and you will eventually be able to see them through your iPad.


-If I created phony visits for testing, can I delete these visits?

If you haven't ended your consultation, YES! Keep your finger on the visit tab you would like to erase for 3 seconds and when WINK asks you "Are you sure you want to permanently delete the [type of visit] of [Date and Time]?", select "Confirm". Remember, this action is NOT REVERSIBLE.


-Can I copy results from a previous exam?

For certain tests, YES! Most tiles in the History section are equiped with a function called "Same as past [W]" that allows you to copy the data from the last visit. If you are a new WINKemr user, you might not be able to use this function right away (either because there is no previous visit yet or because your previous visits come from data migrated from another software).


-Why is there a "[W]" next to certain favorites?

[W] stands for WINKsync. This means that they are automatically added by WINK as a suggestion. Do not delete them as it can cause other favorites to malfunction!


-I can delete favorites?? 

Sure! Keep your finger on the "favorite" you would like to delete for 3 seconds. It will disappear without WINK asking for confirmation. Just don't delete the WINKsync favorites to avoid trouble! :)


-Where can I choose the exam recall frequency?

Head over to the Treatment section and enter a number of months or years in the Recall box, that simple!

-In the overview screen, why do some tiles have a yellow drop shadow, whereas some have a green ones?

Green tiles were filled out and yellow tiles were not! 


But why are some tiles green and empty?

If you selected "normal" values in your tiles, they will not show in the overview screen. WINK only displays outstanding information. Anything that is not considered "normal" or "WNL" should not show because it overcrowds the screen and it becomes easier to miss important information.


Will remaining yellow tiles prevent me from ending my consultation?

Nope! Because they don't contain information, once you lock that visit, they will simply disappear from the overview screen. 



Voilà! You are ready to start using WINKemr. We hope this answered most of your questions, but if you still need assistance, please let us know by sending an email to and we will be happy to help


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