In these uncertain times, we must all do our best to ease the spread of COVID-19. Some of you might be closing office temporarily and cancelling appointments that are not considered urgent, such as routine eye exams. Here at WINK, we would like to help you reach out to patients in the most efficient way, this is why we are offering a 30-day free usage of our SMS add-on. Please read the following article to learn how to configure your outgoing email, create your custom templates, batch-cancel appointments and create communication lists.
We are all in this together. Stay safe!
-The WINK team
*NB: SMS can be sent only if patient has a number in the "Mobile", EMAILS can be sent only to patients with an email address in their file.
1. Set up your outgoing email for each store:
2. SMS add-on is turned on by WINK
SMS is usually a paid feature, but don't worry if you don't have this add-on!
WINK has given you 30-day free usage of our SMS add-on during the COVID-19 crisis
3. Review and personalize your SMS and EMAIL templates
- WINK has pre-loaded your accounts with the following template "Cancellation of Appointment - COVID-19 (Pre-loaded by WINK)"
- How to create Templates for Recalls and Marketing? (SMS and Email)? Click here!
How to cancel appointments & send email/sms communications to your impacted patients?
Batch cancel appointments from your appointment calendar
Before you proceed and if you wish to, you can print your appointments by clicking the print button at the bottom of the calendar (middle)

- Click on Manage availabilities (bottom left of the calendar)
- Select a doctor
- In "Action", select Cancel Appointments
- Select a time period, then click on Apply
- When asked "Do you want to delete unscheduled availabilities, choose NO (this is important). You must delete unscheduled availabilities seperately.
- Once your cancellations are successful, keep the "Availabilities" window open. Change the action to "Delete unscheduled availabilities", click Apply
Creating a list of all patients who had their appointments cancelled
1. In the top menu bar, click on Patient Communication>> Recall&Marketing: Email, SMS, Mail
2. Choose New Recall List>> click OK
3. Choose the communication method (SMS or Email) and the appropriate template>> click OK
4. Now, use the different filters to create a customized list:
- Choose the store
- Select option: "Date cancelled/No-Show" (last in the drop-down)
- Choose the time period/date in which you cancelled the appointments
The date you choose must be the one at which you cancelled the appointments
(i.e.: I cancelled all my appointments for the next 2 weeks on March 18, I
should select March 18 as the date for my list)
It is NOT the date of the appointment.
- Uncheck the box "Use patient's preferred communication method"
Optional filters: Exclude currently booked patients, Exclude patients who received the communication already (will be available in versions 4.09.20+).
5. Click on "Send", SAVE the list and wait for it to be completed
6. Do it again for another communication method (for example: email, if you started out with SMS)
Printing a report for cancelled appointments

Stay tuned for other articles on how WINK can help you manage the COVID-19 crisis!
Example of an Email template that we loaded on your behalf.
Template Name: Cancellation of Appointment - COVID-19 (Pre-loaded by WINK)
Dear {Patient.FirstName},
As you know the government has taken measures to avoid the propagation of Covid-19, and they've asked that medical professionals including eye care professionals assist in that effort.
Therefore, in order to further stem the propagation of Covid-19 we felt it was prudent to cancel your upcoming appointment.
We will contact you in the coming weeks to update you on the situation and promise to reschedule your appointment as soon as we can operate under normal conditions.
For any emergency, you can contact us to schedule an appointment.
Thank you for understanding,
{Store.City}, {Store.PostalZipCode}