
To do an Inventory Audit

The process for doing an inventory audit is much faster, easier and more intuitive if you are bar-coding your frames.  To bar-code your frames all you need is a label printer and barcode scanner.  Both are available in the WINK catalogue.


If you are ARE barcoding your frames, follow these instructions:

  1. Click on "Inventory Audit" >> by Serial Number >> Frames
  2. Enter your Inventory Audit Start Date (by default it is today's date)
  3. Scan all the frames in your store (Note:  Barcode scanners are designed for PC, not Mac).
  4. Click on Done

What appears is a report showing you:

  • Expected Inventory Quantity. This is the quantity of each frame you were "supposed" to have in inventory. Usually this will be 0 or 1.
  • Expected Quantity of Serial Numbers. This is the quantity of barcodes you were "supposed" to scan. Usually this will be 0 or 1.
  • Actual Quantity of Serial Numbers. This is the quantity of barcodes that you actually did scan. Usually this will be 0 or 1.
  • Quantity of missing Serial Numbers. This is the difference between b and c. Usually this will be 0.
  • Quantity of Extra Serial Numbers. This is the difference between c and b. Usually this will be 0.
  • inventory audit conclusion. There are three options here
    • Perfect: The quantity of inventory expected matches the number of barcodes expected which also matches the number of barcodes scanned.
    • OK: The quantity of inventory expected matches the number of barcodes scanned.  But the number of barcodes expected to be found is different.  This is likely a user error.
    • Discrepancy: The quantity of inventory expected does not match the number of barcodes scanned.  A frame may have gone missing.  There are many other possibilities.

At this point we recommend you export your data to Excel and Print/Save it for future considerations.

You can now begin adjusting your inventory.  If this is your first time doing an inventory audit, then we recommend adjusting it very quickly and easily like this:

  1. Check off the boxes for “Select all OK” and “Select all Discrepancies”
  2. Click on “Adjust Selected Items” >> click OK
    1. WINK will now adjust all the inventory to match the number of barcodes found.  This can take up to 30 minutes depending on internet speed, and quantity of inventory to be adjusted.  It is recommended to do this off hours to limit impact on system performance.  Whatever your decision, simply be patient and allow the process to complete on its own.

If however this is not your first or second inventory audit, then you should try to understand the reason for WINK's conclusions of "OK" and "Discrepancy" instead of simply adjusting them blindly.  To better understand the reasons for the discrepancies, click here.

If you are NOT barcoding your frames, but you are nevertheless entering your inventory in Wink

  1. In the menu bar at the top of the window, click on "Reports" >> Inventory >> Current Inventory >> Frames
  2. Select the starting date, how to organise the data, select the stores, enter your price brackets >> click on "Generate"
  3. Click the print icon >> print the report on paper
  4. Walk around your store and cross off your list all the items you find.
  5. You now have now completed your inventory audit

It may now be necessary to "Adjust your Inventory". To do so:

  1. Click on Adjust Inventory >> Frames
  2. Type the model number in the field "Find Product" (Type it "exactly" as it appears in your inventory report)
  3. In Adjustment, you may "Reset" the inventory quantity for that item, or you may add or you may remove inventory quantities for that particular frame. Usually you will "Remove"
  4. Enter the quantity to be removed.
  5. Enter a comment (Ex: Stolen / missing)
  6. Click Save
  7. To adjust another inventory item, click New. Otherwise close the page.


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